Monday, March 2, 2009

From Beginning to No End

This poem was inspired by a friend that I had previously lost contact with as a child but re-entered my life as another "friend" exited. My thought is that the fake friend was removed to make way in my heart for my REAL friend. Anyway, here it is:

You are my friend
From beginning to no end
Through togetherness and separation
As though time was never lost
Experiencing life at the same time
With our differences and similarities
We never missed a beat
Getting in where we fit in each other's life
It was a simple feat
Mainly because God knew we were meant to be
Our different paths led us to the same point
Where we became part of one another again
Now we have a legacy to take over wherever we leave off
They will know a great friendship never dies
Yet, it thrives
On an undying bond of love
From 1989 until the year 2989 and beyond
I will always love you, my friend
From Beginning to No End


In writing my poetry I get very lax with grammar, so pardon the lack of puncuations and such.

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