Thursday, December 23, 2010

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

If actions speak louder than words
You have lied to me
Not in the verbal sense
Your body has lied to me
And this is unforgivable
I've seen the stories you wanted me to believe
The tangos danced
The hugs shared
Our melodic rhythm of lovemaking
Your eyes have lied to me
Looking at me intensly
Making non-verbal promises
With no intent to keep
Peering into my soul
Seeing the damage done before you
Assuring me that this time would be different
Twinkling like the perfect stars above
Creating new constellations in my eyes
Which sadly
Has become all lies
Your hands have lied to me
Softly touching my endangered spirit
Caressing the scars from previous wars
Battle wounds stitched and bandaged
Yet, clearly still raw
With physician like precision
You held my heart
So I gladly gave it to you
Ba-bump ba-bump ba-bump
The conversation went
Until a thump
It slipped through your fingers
Escaping your grasp that you no longer held
Your lips have lied to me
The kisses on my neck
And the small of my back
That said I will always be here
The simple brush against mine
Forcing me to believe there could actually be a time
That you would become mine
They were all lines that could have easily been spoken
I sit here broken
Wishing that these signs had been words
But it is said that
Actions speak louder than words

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Self Admittance (haiku)

I hug my pillow
At night cuz you are not here
I miss and love you

Friday, July 2, 2010

Perfect Imperfections

I love all of your imperfections perfectly
Yet, you still don't see me.
I want to kiss until you realize the depth of my feelings.
I'll start from the bottom and work my way up.
We all know the heat rises.
I begin with your pinky toe and glide over to the big.
Slide the tip of my lips slowly and lightly to the heel of your foot.
I'll work my way from your ankle along your shin and calf, pausing at your knee.
As you bring me to my knees with just a glance in my direction.
Something within me flutters
You barely have to do anything
You give me
I continue up your thigh and meet what some would consider your "manhood"
You and I both know that isn't what makes you a man
Just a male
It stands at attention and I salute
You don't have to draft me, I'll happily enlist
Then re-enlist again and again
And again
As I taste your sweet nectar and it coats my throat
I realize I've been here too long
I run my hands along your hips
As I move my tongue in and around your bellybutton
From stomach around to your back
Are you starting to get an idea about how I feel?
Your body is a map I'm trying to travel and learn the direction by heart
Speaking of heart I'm now on your chest
Listening to the beats and hearing the dope lyrics we could make together
I pause again
I've gotta put this on repeat
So it can become a permanent playback in my heart
As I approach your sweet, succulent lips
We now stand eye to eye
Look into them deeply as I kiss you intently
The soft caress of your tongue against mine
Sends my mind into overdrive
Look into my eyes
See how they yearn for your mind, body and soul
I know this sounds like I'm focusing on the physical
However, it's quite the opposite
Imagine that each body part is a piece of your brain
From the cerebrum to the cerebellum
I want to surf each brainwave and learn everything about you
Good, bad and indifferent
So forget about any imperfections you may think you have
I can love all of your imperfections perfectly
If you let me.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

When This Dove Cries

Dear Mr. Man

Last December we sat Under The Cherry Moon above the clouds of Purple Rain. Who would have thought had we looked into our Crystal Ball I'd wonder How Come You Don't Call Me Anymore. Now I have a Condition Of The Heart, it's called A Case Of You. I sit and wait for you to Acknowledge Me, but you no longer Call My Name. And that has me Dreaming About You. With my Third (3rd) Eye, I see An Honest Man but Damn You. For The Tears In Your Eyes show that yoive been Around The World In A Day because Everyday Is A Winding Road. Let's go back and party like it's 1999, when my Black Sweat shined beneath the Blue Light. I Wanna Be Your Lover, I wanna be your Darling Nikki. We both know If I Was Your Girlfriend, it probably wouldn't work. I don't want the Diamonds and Pearls, I just want you to Do Me, Baby so that we both can Get Off. Or, how about Let's Go Crazy and feed this Insatiable desire for love. I know I Can't Make You Love Me and I'm not certain that I want you to. But I'm sure We Can Work It Out. I'm Willing and Able to see what comes of this, for I truly Adore you. So Until You're In My Arms Again, I'm Still Waiting for you to Take Me With You. I just want your extra time and your Kiss, you Sexy Motherfucker.

Signed the Beautiful, Loved & Blessed

Cinnamon Girl

This is what it sounds like When this Dove Cries.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I've tried sleeping with a broken heart. Unlike Alicia, I found it quite easy. It's the only way to escape my reality that you're no longer here. I close my eyes and the memories fade. My waking hours are consumed by thoughts of you, my mind feels I need a rest. I slip into a peaceful snooze and my common senses awaken. I dream of streams flowing so gently and steady. I dream of the treetops swaying in the wind. I dream of the beautiful snowcapped mountains. These dreams represent what I want and need in my life, tranquility.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Your Company

I didn't want anything except your company.

You made me smile, you made me laugh. We made our own path. Each stone described our greatness.
We had an understanding. We had a connection. That has become disconnected. Like an unpaid electric bill, my spark was gone. I sit in darkness yearning for a gleam of light. Curious about the cause of the blackout. I thought I've paid my dues. Maybe, it's the fines. They get me everytime.

I didn't want anything except your company.

It's like, we're two of a kind, a pair of the same. Inflicted by the same pains, wearing our poker faces, strong. Unable to escape the past gone wrong. Intellect over emotions, right? We gotta be smarter than our hearts. So we let our brains tear us apart. We knew what it was from the start.

I didn't want anything except your company.

Maybe I was lying to myself as were you too. Yet, I was the only one who knew what to do. Buried like a pirate's treasure deep in the pits of nowhere, I stored my feelings. I let mind my mind take over. That ensured no new offense on an old defender. I object!!

I didn't want anything except your company.

That is more than you wanted from me. If I made you feel inferior, I'm sorry. I can only be me. I'm far from perfect and comfortable in it. When will you get with it. We are ALL a work in progress. I seem like fine art in your abstract world. Honestly, I'm just another girl--

That only wanted your company and you said "goodbye".

Instead of my goodbye, just know:

I only want your company.