Thursday, December 23, 2010

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

If actions speak louder than words
You have lied to me
Not in the verbal sense
Your body has lied to me
And this is unforgivable
I've seen the stories you wanted me to believe
The tangos danced
The hugs shared
Our melodic rhythm of lovemaking
Your eyes have lied to me
Looking at me intensly
Making non-verbal promises
With no intent to keep
Peering into my soul
Seeing the damage done before you
Assuring me that this time would be different
Twinkling like the perfect stars above
Creating new constellations in my eyes
Which sadly
Has become all lies
Your hands have lied to me
Softly touching my endangered spirit
Caressing the scars from previous wars
Battle wounds stitched and bandaged
Yet, clearly still raw
With physician like precision
You held my heart
So I gladly gave it to you
Ba-bump ba-bump ba-bump
The conversation went
Until a thump
It slipped through your fingers
Escaping your grasp that you no longer held
Your lips have lied to me
The kisses on my neck
And the small of my back
That said I will always be here
The simple brush against mine
Forcing me to believe there could actually be a time
That you would become mine
They were all lines that could have easily been spoken
I sit here broken
Wishing that these signs had been words
But it is said that
Actions speak louder than words